wardrobe with morrored doors

Give your room a fresh look with new wardrobe doors

Are you looking for a seamless way to give your room a fresh makeover? New wardrobe doors might be just what you are looking for.

Although they are often overlooked, wardrobe doors can actually play a huge role in your experience, and they can even go as far as redefining the aesthetics of your room. Keep reading to learn more about how you can use wardrobe doors to get a fresh new look for your room.

Hide the clutter.

Ideal, your wardrobe should be as tidy as possible, but let’s be honest: we all get away with a little clutter from time to time, especially if the wardrobe is packed to the brim with clothes, shoes, accessories and other items. Some door-less wardrobes can actually cause an entire room to feel way more crowded and cluttered. The problem is that you would always see all of that mess that is going on in there, and it will sort of become part of your room. Having a wardrobe door can actually remove that visual element from the equation, giving your entire room a less chaotic look and feel. A door will replace the visual clutter with a nice design, or perhaps a seamless one-colour aesthetics that will blend in more seamlessly with the concept of your room as a whole. For instance, imagine having a door with a different colour, just to give your room a different highlight. This might create a pleasant two-tone aesthetics, while still retaining a nice minimalistic look. Other people, especially kids and teenagers, love to use their wardrobe doors to hang posters, stickers, or wall art, to further customise the aesthetics of their rooms.

Double up as a mirror.

In some cases, people love to install half or full-figure mirrors on the outside of their wardrobe doors. It might be quite handy to have a mirror around that you can rely on on-the-go, without the need to open your wardrobe to access an inside mirror or go to the bathroom, where you might have a mirror as well. In addition to that, mirrors are known to create a sense of spaciousness, making a room look a lot bigger. Therefore, having a mirror on your wardrobe door might actually vibe you a sense of space and size, which will make your room look a lot fresher and more pleasant.


Having a wardrobe door can actually add more versatility to it as well. In some cases, a wardrobe door can even be used for extra storage. Some people install hooks or even use nails to hang small items to the inside of the doors. This solution could be perfect for hanging necklaces, rings, or bracelets, especially the kind of jewellery that you use quite frequently. You could also benefit from these hooks or nails to hang hats, ties, gloves, scarves, and many other accessories that you might have. Some people even have small trays hanging from their wardrobe doors. The latter is ideal for carrying small items, including jewellery boxes, but also wallets, keys, and more. Some people might scoff at the idea of keeping a wallet or keys in their wardrobe, but it could actually be a great solution to keep some valuable items out of the side, especially if you have a small room or if you share your home with other housemates. A wardrobe door will keep everything neat and will hide your clothes and valuables away, so you can rest assured they won’t be so easy to spot. Again, this isn’t exactly the primary purpose or application for a wardrobe, but you would be surprised how often people use their ware space in order to hide or protect their valuables!

Fight off Odour

At times, clothes that have been stored in your wardrobe for extended periods of time, as well as shoes and even hats, can give off some bad odours. Using a wardrobe door can literally make your room fresher because you’ll be able to create a barrier between your living quarters and the potentially obtrusive odours that might come off your wardrobe. You can always use an air freshener or a similar product in order to remove the stink from your shoes, for instance, but having a door will definitely help you make sure that your whole room will not smell like air freshener (ironically, it is not always a great idea to be constantly surrounded by the smell of an air freshener). Ultimately, this is one of the most popular partial application to having a wardrobe door. As you can see, this is not only about aesthetic reasons, but it is also about adding functionality and practicality to your room and wardrobe area, while also fostering the hygiene and cleanliness of your space.

Blend in seamlessly with your room’s aesthetics.

As mentioned earlier, a door can blend seamlessly with the aesthetics of your room. It could help you achieve a fresh look by hiding away the cluttered, crowded areas of your wardrobe, replacing them with a tidier front end. You can simply opt for a seamless wardrobe door design, something that would be as unobtrusive as possible. Other people like the opportunity to use their wardrobe doors to add more of a highlight to their room. Perhaps, they’ll choose a different yet complimentary design, going for a smooth feel and a nice texture.

These are only some of the many reasons why new wardrobe doors could be just the upgrade that you need in order to take your room’s interior design to the next level.

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